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Poetic Drama: Prison Play(3 / 6)

ook at what lies beneath!

Edith (crying out): Andre! Andre!

Raphael: Shouting his name while beneath me, my dear, only fuels my frenzy!

Shiver beneath me, Lady Liberty!

Clamp your thighs tightly around my waist,

As I thrust with passion, making you moan and writhe!

Andre: Forgive me, my Edith!

I seem unable to rein my mortal frame!

Why must this dying vessel succumb to lust, despite its feeble breath?

Why does the direst of scenes rouse this ignoble rise?

Raphael: My love, do not push me away!

My rival, cease your escape today!

No virtue stands incorruptible, you see,

We all are weak and small, decree!

Come, seeking but a fleeting ecstasy!

(lifting Edith and moving toward Andre)

Andre (struggling desperately, shaking his head): No, I will never! You madman...

Raphael: Your body betrays your heart. Unite with her before me, and fulfill the yearnings deep within your soul!

Edith: Andre, do not submit to this debauched fiend! Saint-Clemont, you can rely on nothing but allure!

(Raphael tightens the hemp rope binding Andre''s arms, placing Edith on his lap.)

Edith: Ah! This was my countless yearning in a dream!

Let Andre bury his nose in my bosom, sweet and deep,

Once again straddle his sturdy fleshly lance,

Yet why is our lovemaking always filled with despair''s dance?

When will we finally embrace on a bed, intimate and serene?

Raphael (laughing): There''s no harm in a threesome''s embrace,

Raphael Saint-Clemont delights in your wild chase!

I enjoy watching your passionate play,

As the three of us frolic in disarray!

Andre: Shame and guilt shudder within my frame,

Yet waves of heat from my loins, they claim!

I struggle to control my swaying hips'' urge,

Reduced to a slave of carnal desires, a dirge!

Edith: I forgive you, my lover, for I too burn,

My body ablaze, yearning for you to discern!

To gallop wild upon your heated form,

In our frenzy, passion''s raging storm!

Raphael: Allow me to add fuel to this lovers'' blaze.

(Taking down the candle illuminating the prison door)

Dearest Andre, feel the scorching wax''s craze!

Andre: Ah! The heat and pain, unbearable to bear!

Edith: Cease, Raphael! Is our torment not enough to share?!


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